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DR3900 Laboratory Spectrophotometer for water analysis

DR3900 Laboratory Spectrophotometer for water analysis

This photometer system is designed to deliver accurate results by supporting the operator with each step he is doing:
• Sample preparation: reduced handling steps, precise dosing
• Sample analysis: automatic test recognition, expiration date check etc.
• Documentation of results: versatile data management, control cards
With your daily routine of water analysis in mind the DR3900 spectrophotometer is optimised for safe processes and meaningful reports. Control-parameters like Ammonium, COD, Phosphate, Nitrogen and many others are easy to perform. The handling of tests and photometer is well designed to avoid any errors in your water analysis.

This instrument connects to Claros, Hach’s innovative Water Intelligence System, enabling you to seamlessly connect and manage instruments, data, and process – anywhere, anytime. The result is greater confidence in your data and improved efficiency in your operations. To unlock the full potential of Claros, insist on Claros Enabled instruments.

Specifications :
Operating Mode Transmittance (%), Absorbance and Concentration, Scanning
(wavelength, time)
Light Source Gas-filled Tungsten (visible)
Optical System Reference beam, spectral
Wavelength Range 320 to 1100 nm
Wavelength Accuracy ± 1.5 nm (wavelength range 340 to 900 nm)
Wavelength Reproducibility ± 0.1 nm
Wavelength Resolution 1 nm
Wavelength Calibration Automatic when using stored or barcode programs
Wavelength Selection Automatic, based on method selection
Spectral Bandwidth 5 nm
Photometric Measuring Range ± 3.0 Abs
(wavelength range 340 to 900 nm)
Photometric Accuracy 5 mAbs at 0.0 to 0.5 Abs
1 % at 0.50 to 2.0 Abs
Photometric Linearity < 0.5 % to 2 Abs
≤ 1 % at > 2 Abs with neutral glass at 546 nm
Stray Light < 0.1 % T at 340 nm with NaNO2
Display 7" TFT
WVGA (800 pix x 480 pix

Rukan Mitra Matraman Blok B - 12
Jl. Matraman Raya No. 148 Jakarta 13150
(021) 859 181 54, (021) 859 181 55, (021) 859 023 91, (021) 851 259 5
0813 988 55242, 0877 811 22777, 0812 864 04835, 0812 863 8194
(021) 859 181 78
1. sales@octaprimalestari.com 2. e_anasthasia@octaprimalestari.com, 3. meliati_layarda@octaprimalestari.com 4. octaprima_lestari@yahoo.com
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